Fall Checklist for the Household - Schuetz Insurance
Oct 2024

Fall Checklist for the Household


As the leaves begin to turn and the air carries the promise of autumn, it’s a reminder of the steadfast cycle of seasons—a cycle much like our own enduring commitment here at Schuetz Insurance. Since 1943, we’ve been a part of the Indianapolis community, not just as insurers, but as neighbors, friends, and guardians of the trust you’ve placed in us. With the turning season, it’s time to turn our attentions to preparing our homes for the cooler days ahead. Here is your fall checklist, a guide to ensure your household’s safety, comfort, and warmth in the coming months.


Exterior Items


Clearing out gutters is more than a fall ritual; it safeguards your home against water damage. Ensuring that leaves and debris are removed allows for proper water flow, preventing ice dams and protecting your roof and siding when winter storms bear down.


Outdoor Furniture

Before the first frost sets in, take the time to clean and store outdoor furniture. Protecting these pieces from the elements will extend their life and beauty, making sure they’re ready to welcome you into the garden come spring.



Interior Items


Heating, ventilation, and the unseen passages that keep our homes warm demand attention now. Scheduling a cleaning ensures that the air circulating through your home is clean, efficient, and ready to keep your family cozy and healthy through the months indoors.


Windows and Doorways

Sealing leaks around windows and doorways is not only a bulwark against the cold but also defense against unwelcome guests. Caulking gaps and installing weather stripping cuts down on energy bills and keeps the warmth where it belongs—inside your home.


Pest Control

As we prepare our homes for fall, it’s important to address fall pest control. Sealing up entry points and attending to areas that might attract critters looking for a warm place to spend the winter is crucial. It’s a simple step that maintains the sanctity and safety of our homes.


Household Safety and Winterization: What to Do Before Winter Storm Season

Discovering your readiness for winter often starts with a simple walk-through of your home. From ensuring your furnace is in working order to knowing where your snow removal tools are stashed, preparation is key. Set aside time to test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and if you have a fireplace, make sure it’s inspected and clean before the first use of the season.


The tasks might seem many, but taken in stride, they weave the fabric of a home ready to face the colder months—a home that’s a warm, safe haven for those it shelters.


As we look toward the changing season, let’s embrace the tradition of preparation, knowing that in doing so, we strengthen the ties that bind us to our homes and to each other. Here at Schuetz Insurance, we’re more than your insurance provider; we’re your partner in safeguarding what matters most. From our family to yours, we wish you a season of warmth, safety, and preparation.


May your home be ready for fall, protected against the elements, and a cozy refuge in the winter months ahead. If you have questions about household safety, winterization, or insurance coverage as you prepare for the season, don’t hesitate to reach out. After all, we’ve been serving the Indianapolis community since 1943—with a commitment as unchanging as the seasons.


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Schuetz Insurance is more than just an insurance provider; we are a trusted partner committed to protecting the businesses in our community. With over 80 years of experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to offer customized insurance solutions that meet your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help protect your business and ensure its long-term success.


By partnering with Schuetz Insurance, you gain more than just coverage—you gain peace of mind knowing that your property is protected by experts who care about your safety and financial security.


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