Your Guide to A Happier, Healthier Summer - Schuetz Insurance
Jun 2023

Your Guide to A Happier, Healthier Summer


Summer is a time of year that brings joy and excitement to many people around the world. It’s a season of sunshine, outdoor activities, barbecues, and other activities that contribute to an improved mood and even better fitness. From swimming in the pool to camping in the woods, there are plenty of things that make summer so much fun for everyone. And with longer days and warmer temperatures, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to explore your local area or travel to new places.

With so much activity going on during summer months, it is no surprise that many people focus more on their health and lifestyle during this time of year. To keep yourself fit and healthy for the summer — and beyond — we have curated some tips for summer wellness that will contribute to better health year-round.


4 Tips for Living Your Healthiest — This Summer and Beyond

Summertime and the living is easy — if you know how to make the most of those sun-drenched days. Here are some tried-and-true summer wellness suggestions to help you live your best life this season:


1. Eat for Your Skin

Good sun protection doesn’t just come from a bottle — it starts with what you eat. Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as eggs, walnuts, and fatty fish full of Omega-3 fatty acids will help reduce sun damage if and when it happens. Pair these with lots of antioxidant rich foods like green, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, beans, berries, and black and green teas will provide additional protection for your skin — and your health. In fact, summer is the perfect time to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet since many people crave lighter, more cooling tastes in the heat. Getting into the habit of eating healthier foods now is one you can take with you into the winter months for better overall health.


2. Now Add Extra Sun Protection

All you have to do to get all the vitamin D your body needs is to sunbathe outside without sun protection for 10-20 minutes per day. Getting enough of this vitamin is critical for good health as it boosts your immune system, helps your body build stronger bones, elevates mood, and even helps you sleep better. But too much sun can be a problem, predisposing you to skin cancers and aging your skin prematurely.

To protect yourself, consider covering yourself up with hats and long-sleeved shirts of breathable fabric that help block the sun or simply moving into the shade. If you must use a chemical sunscreen, choose one with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that is a simple mineral sunscreen rather than a chemical soup.


3. Stay Hydrated

During the summer months, it is important to stay hydrated to keep your body functioning at its best. Not only does staying hydrated help you stay cool in the hot weather, but it also helps to keep your energy levels up and your body functioning properly. Staying hydrated can help you avoid dehydration, fatigue, heat exhaustion, and other health issues that can be caused by not drinking enough fluids. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and other liquids can help improve your overall mood and mental clarity. A simple rule is this: For every 30 minutes of heat or sweating you experience, drink at least 12 ounces of water.


4. Get Active

Starting a new fitness routine in the balmy summer months and mood-boosting weather can help you develop an exercise habit that will stay with you throughout the rest of the year. Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and having an exercise routine is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the physical activity you need. Regular exercise can help to reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, improve your overall mood and energy levels, and even help you to maintain a healthy weight. It can also be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, as many activities such as walking or running can be done together. With the right exercise routine, you can enjoy all the benefits of physical activity while still having time for other things.


Make Sure Your Summer Health is Covered with Help from Schuetz

Summer is the perfect time to get out and enjoy life — and focus on developing habits that will have you living a happier, healthier life year-round. Your health is one of the most important assets you have, so you want to take good care of yourself.  For that reason, health insurance is important for everyone, regardless of their age or financial situation. It helps protect you and your family from the high cost of medical care and can provide peace of mind in the event of an unexpected illness or injury. Health insurance can also help cover the costs of preventive care, such as check-ups and vaccinations, which can help keep you healthy and reduce your risk for more serious illnesses down the road. With health insurance, you can get access to quality healthcare services that may otherwise be out of reach financially.

To learn more about how we can help you keep your health protected, visit our services page or contact us today to get started.


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